
Picture Gallery One
Here are some pictures relating to cell phone and cell tower forensics.                                                                                                           .

Click image for close up view

iPhone 4
Here is a view of the

front side of the inside

of the iPhone 4


iPhone 4
Here is the view of the

back side of the inside

of the iPhone 4


Disguised Cell Tower
Cell Tower disguised

to look like a tree.

Cell Tower Plans
Schematic diagrams

for a disguised

cell tower


Monopole Cell Tower
Typical monopole

Cell Twoer antenna.


3 Sector Layout
Typical 3 sector

antenna layout

Cellebrite UFED
This is the Cellebrite

UFED (Universal Forensic

Extraction Device)


Physical Extraction
The UFED is capable of

extracting an image of

cell phone to include

deleted information.


Photo from iPhone
Typical photo retrieved

from an iPhone showing

GPS coordinates

